Environment Management

SRM has a multi- disciplinary team of environmental experts with wide experience in several aspects of environmental concern. Our involvement ranges from planning to minimizing impacts (EIA) at the beginning of a project to environmental control and remediation during operations and rehabilitation at closure. Our pioneering consultancy services in Environmental Management Systems are able to assist companies achieve ISO 14001 certification and Green Globe standards. Some of the completed projects include:

Our comprehensive environment management advisory and training services include:

  • ISO 14001:2004 Implementation for 2 units in the Esquel Group; Leisure Garments Ltd and Textile Industries Ltd.
  • ISO 14001:2004 Implementation for Southern Textile Ltd.
  • ISO 14001:2004 Implementation for British American Tobacco (BAT).
  • Green Globe 21 for Prince Maurice Hotel, Mauritius.
  • Diagnosis of Imperial Tobacco’s Malagassy Factories for Environmental Compliance.
  • System Audit with respect to ISO 14001:2004 for SITAM (Madagascar).
  • System Audit with respect to ISO 14001:2004 for SACIMEM (Antsirable).
  • Environment Assessment for Alcodis Ltd.
  • Environmental Reporting for Maurilait Production Lt�e.
  • Environment Assistance for Total Mauritius Ltd industrial customers.